WannaCry and the GDPR

I was interviewed by the Wall Street Journal on how WannaCry might have played out if the EU GDPR had been in effect at the time of the attacks. You can read the article in the WSJ’s Cyber Security section.

Banks concerned over being able to meet EU data protection deadline

Aging and complex IT systems could scupper demand for an overhaul within a year. Source: Banks concerned over being able to meet EU data protection deadline   GDPR? What? What’s this? Where did this come from? Have we known about this? We have? Why didn’t anyone tell me about this? You did? I didn’t listen?…

Dutch data protection authority: Facebook violates privacy law | Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens

Facebook Group violates Dutch data protection law. That is the conclusion of the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens; hereinafter: DPA) after its investigation into the processing of personal data of 9.6 million Facebook users in the Netherlands. The company breaches Dutch data protection law including by giving users insufficient information about the use of…

ICO Outlines How it will Support Innovation

The ICO has released a document titled “ICO: Innovation and regulation” which outlines how their role as a regulator will work to promote innovation and not place undue burdens on businesses. This has been designed to complement government’s approach to develop a modern industrial strategy for Britain. The document makes reference to the “industry-led event,…