How fintechs are using AI to transform payday lending | American Banker

Startups in the payday lending space say their use of artificial intelligence is allowing them to make better loans at lower rates with fewer defaults. “The power of artificial intelligence versus business intelligence is BI is purely retrospective, whereas AI looks forward into the future and predicts — what will this person do based on…

AI and Your Credit Score

Where are the credit scores of yesteryear?  Writing in the American Banker, columnist Penny Crosman examines the impact of AI and proprietary credit scoring algorithms on the lending industry and consumers. While AI “offers lenders the ability to . . . score those previously deemed unscorable,” Crosman writes, “such scoring techniques also bring uncertainty.” Edited with…

UK Blockchain Company is Now a Money Transmitter

FCA paves way for blockchain-based money.  The U.K.’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) granted a Small Electronic Money Institution (EMI) registration to blockchain firm Tramonex, making it the first DLT company to gain the EMI designation. Tramonex can now operate as money transmitter and payment facilitator, as well as “issue, distribute and redeem e-money.” Edited with BlogPad…

PayPal Buying TIO Networks

PayPal is buying TIO Networks for $233 million to reach underserved customers, the Wall Street Journal reported. “TIO caters to consumers outside the banking system who make regular payments with cash to telecommunications companies such as AT&T Inc., utilities such as Duke Energy Corp. and other service providers. The Vancouver-based company serves 14 million consumer…